A tentative post, hoping to prompt discussion ..
Sacrifice- "an act of giving up something one values for the sake of something that is more important to one"..
That reduces 'sacrifice' to a difficult choice...
merely choosing something above another, and is that not the very business of life - making choices?
Then why does 'sacrifice' , in the doing or even in a projection from the mind, evoke self-righteousness in some, hatred in others, fear and mistrust in many....
They tell me .."Aaah, love...sigh.... it is difficult....it is all about sacrifice."
Well- so is life..
Is it especially painful in the context of relationships cos you need to incorporate someone else in the choice...?
But it is strange to do that grudgingly, when essentially, incorporating that someone in your choices is a choice
you made not so long ago..
Perhaps it is because the second clause is so easiy brushed aside- and all that remains is 'the act of giving up something that is valuable to one..'
And even if it boils down to a question of semantics, I'd rather make a choice than a sacrifice..