Lost Random Chatter
Monday, June 27, 2005
co-operation - a convenient fabrication?
An excerpt from my animal behaviour essay due in on Friday -
"In a biparental system, offspring fitness is a result of care from both parents, while the cost is incurred by each parent as per its individual investment. Individuals that leave most of the parental workload on their partner would do well in minimising the costs of the current reproductive attempt and at the same time insure their success through their partner’s effort. The ‘classical’ picture of the two parents slaving over care of their offspring, each putting in its individual maximum into the ‘family’ can be replaced with the idea of two ‘work-shirking’ individuals, each trying to get away with the minimum possible investment."
And in a similar manner, all examples of co-operation unravel upon closer scrutiny....
May 2005
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